Have you really lived? If tomorrow your time here was over, would your life be fulfilled? I've been thinking about how I would answer this question. Everyone should ask themselves this question because it really puts life in perspective. To answer this question, you must ask yourself so many other questions...
Have you ever held your newborn child? Have you ever lost someone you loved and didn't get to say goodbye? Have you ever fallen in love and had your heart completely broken? Have you ever had a child depending on you to always be there for them, no matter what? Have you ever brought food and clothing to a homeless person? Have you ever taken in and sheltered an abandoned or injured animal? Have you ever been someone's best friend? Have you ever sat down and really listened to stories from your elders? Have you ever seen the sun rise and set from the top of a mountain? Have you ever watched an animal mother her young? Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Have you ever run barefoot in the snow? Have you ever ran away only to realize you ran away from the only place on earth you want to be? Have you ever let yourself fly...in a fast car, in a boat, on a motorcycle, on the back of a horse? Have you ever wrote a song, a poem, a story...have you painted a picture? Have you ever almost fallen out of bed because your kids and dog are sleeping with you? Have you ever watched a fire until it burned out? Have you ever called your mom and/or dad just to tell them you love them? Have you ever thanked God and really meant it?
My answer is yes to all of the above.
The elf on the shelf is fun to hear about this time of year, he's cute. But this is what life is really about and this time of year is about celebration of life . So please take a moment, what would you ask yourself?
Deirdre McDonald is my guest blogger today and she wrote a very touching note about being truly alive! Sometimes we do it just because we just are so alive!!! And that being so alive causes our heart to bust right out, come out into the open and be seen by others. Thank you for sharing your heart today! Please feel free to comment on what your heart is feeling today!