ISO a child safe pony for my daughter, young or green is ok. Priced cheap or free.
This was a request recently on Facebook. The names are deleted to protect the innocent. To me the words young/green and child safe should never be in the same sentence.
My response to such a request is noted here.
The medical bills for a child should they be injured, the emotional fear that could be created by putting an inexperienced child upon an inexperienced pony or a pony that is knowledgeable but possibly in all the wrong ways. I have seen and heard of more wrecks from people doing this to their child, who they "love" so much they will put it on an animal that outweighs them 20 times over and has a brain that is very different in ways they could never imagine.
Thousands of dollars spent in medical bills and the very real possibility that a child could be so frightened that they would never ride again. "Green on green equals black and blue". Is this how you show your love?
My daughter is 24 years old now. I found the oldest, brokest pony I could find for her when she was 2 1/2 years old. I found that any time that I veered from that scenario no matter how "GREAT" a rider she became, if I put her on something that was green it was not a good experience. I always had two ponies for her. The pony that she was currently riding and the horse or pony that she was moving into next. And I never sold the old pony until she was really, really ready. I have over 35 years of experience with horses, many of those as an instructor, and I still make mistakes. However this is not one mistake that I would ever advise anyone a parent, guardian or loving grandparent to make. Go to a good, qualified, fun, safe instructor with safe lesson ponies. This is going to be your least cost, most effective way to care for your child. My daughters first pony was 32 years old when I bought that pony. To this day it was the best pony I've ever had. And I have owned quite a few ponies. These are my two cent thoughts for today. Will they be different tomorrow? No, probably not.